Crazy 2020

3 min readMar 26, 2020


It’s been a long time, although looking back it feels like it was just yesterday. There’s been a lot going on so I haven’t had the time to write, like I am now. I bet you already know why I now have the time to be writing. The last one was mid July of last year. I’ve missed this. I haven’t had an outlet for the built up emotions throughout the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, so this feels nice. I feel home here. Even though there’s probably reading this. I feel free.

Anyway, 2020 we were all looking forward to a new year for a new start, full of positive thoughts and happiness and another year to start anew for the better. Well, it’s only March and we were all wrong! Yeah, I’m talking about the Corona Virus (CoVid-19). I hate it!

Our university had to close because of it, so no exhibition for us. Unsure of what the future holds. Let’s just say the university doesn’t communicate well or fast enough with their students so, we’re all just playing the waiting game waiting on how we’re going to proceed to finish the remaining few weeks of our 2nd semester. Although, it sucks so bad for us I feel more sorry for the 3rd years that are supposed to be doing their Final Degree show in a few weeks and supposed to be graduating. But, everything’s being cancelled now. The PM announced a few days ago that no one should go out unless it’s to buy neccessities like food and medicine and obviously to work if you’re a key worker. Everything’s closed right now. Even McDonalds! I’m definitely going to miss their frappe :( Aside from that, people panic bought anti-bac gels, disinfectants and TOILET PAPER! Seriously don’t get the toilet paper but, okay!

On a more personal note, my mum has had to work A LOT because of how strained the NHS are at the moment. Although, we siblings are all used to it as that’s how hard-working she’s always been and we’re all pretty independent. The worry and fear because of what’s going on right now is always at the back of our heads. She works a long distance from where we live aswell so that’s an added worry, she won’t be home until after my birthday, only because she doesn’t want to risk infecting us if ever she’s carried something from work and I’ve told her to just stay so that she can rest on her day off. It sucks that my birthday we’ll be at home but, it’s for the best and there’ll be plenty more of birthdays that I can celebrate *sorry a bit of self-pity there but it’s really ok! :)

All we can do at the moment is take care of ourselves and pray for the best possible outcome through this. Easier said than done but, that’s all really. Hydrate, Eat healthy and Take your vitamins! Avoid going out as much as possible. It’s not worth the risk.

I’ll have to end this entry here for now as I’ll be having a home made wrap that my other half made. A more positive note of this is i’m locked down at home with him so I get taken care of and well fed :)) I wishall of you are too. I hope everyone is doing okay in their homes and are safe and healthy. I will definitely be writing more especially because of the ‘lock down’.

Please stay at home.

-S x




trying to get through life by writing my thoughts